The Delphi Murders Leaked Texts

The Delphi murders continue to remain a baffling unsolved case. After all, how can three people go missing in the same remote location and not be found? There are no bodies and no suspects. While the townspeople believe that there must be someone out there who had something to do with their disappearance, the police have no evidence or leads. The case has gone cold until now when some of the killer’s texts have been leaked online. The Delphi murders have been called one of America’s most notorious unsolved mysteries because even though there is little physical evidence, it’s still obvious that someone was there that day. Police believe that they were killed by someone they knew — probably a friend or acquaintance. Now, thanks to some leaked texts from the killer to his friend, we know more than ever before about what happened on February 13th, 2017…
who is the killer?
We’ll probably never know the identity of the person behind those texts. It’s possible that the killer deleted the texts from their own phone, or that the person who leaked the texts might also be the killer themselves. In any case, we know that the killer was a teenager who attended the same high school as the victims. They also had a crush on one of the victims and were also friends with all of them. The police have confirmed that the texts are real and that the killer is indeed a teenager. They are currently using the texts as leads in their investigation and hope that someone out there can provide them with the information they need to find the killer and bring the girls home.
Libby Delphi: Latest Leaked Texts Reveal Details of Murders
Who killed these girls and why? That’s what the police want to know. The Delphi killers are still on the loose after murdering two teenage girls in Indiana last February. But, now we have more details on this case thanks to leaked detective text messages. Clearly, these detectives believe they know who the killer is and are hopeful they can find him before he strikes again.
These leaked texts between detectives reveal that they strongly suspect someone named Kyle, who goes to school with them, as the killer. This article reviews the leaked information about this case and offers our best guess about who the killer might be based on that knowledge – along with some suspicious red flags that make us wonder if there’s more to this story than meets the eye. Keep reading for all you need to know about the Delphi murders leak and whether we think you should worry about your kids being friends with anyone from High Schoolers Know
leaked texts Delphi murders
Who killed these girls and why? That’s what the police want to know. The Delphi killers are still on the loose after murdering two teenage girls in Indiana last February. But, now we have more details on this case thanks to leaked detective text messages. Clearly, these detectives believe they know who the killer is and are hopeful they can find him before he strikes again.
These leaked texts between detectives reveal that they strongly suspect someone named Kyle, who goes to school with them, as the killer. This article reviews the leaked information about this case and offers our best guess about who the killer might be based on that knowledge – along with some suspicious red flags that make us wonder if there’s more to this story than meets the eye. Keep reading for all you need to know about the Delphi murders leak and whether we think you should worry about your kids being friends with anyone from High Schoolers Know
The David Erskine Delphi Murders & The Leaked Texts
The David Erskine Delphi murders case remains one of the most fascinating unsolved crimes in Australia.
The Delphi killer is known as the “Bluebeard” killer, after the folk tale of a wealthy man with a house of horror where his previous wives had been murdered. David Erskine was not just a victim, but also a suspect in the case. The similarities between his murder and those of other members of his family have led some to think that he might have been involved or even the killer himself. There are many unanswered questions about this case and its hidden clues remain an enigma to this day. Here is everything you need to know about the David Erskine Delphi murders case
The Delphi Murders: The Text Messages That Were Leaked
The internet is a dangerous place. For individuals who have been thrust into the spotlight after being involved in a high-profile murder case. Even more so, when that person also happens to be one of the most hated men in Britain – David Erskine. It’s no secret that Erskine was ostracised by his local community following the gruesome murder of Delphi teens Letiche Vartry and Olivia
The 7 leaked texts from the killer
1. “I’m sorry.” This is the very first thing he wrote to his friend. It’s almost as if he’s apologizing for the murders he’d just committed. The first thing someone does after something horrible is done is apologize. The first thing any of us would do is apologize. This first text leads us to believe that he knows that what he did was wrong, but he can’t stop. The murders must have gone too far or gone further than he had planned.
2. “I can’t explain right now.” This is obviously a lie, but is he lying to his friend or to himself? This could be a way for him to tell himself that he isn’t a bad person when in reality he knows that he is. Deep down, he knows that what he’s done is wrong and that he needs to lie to himself in order to live with it.
3. “I don’t know what happened.” As we noted before, this could be a lie or a way for him to try and excuse what he’s done. He might be telling his friend that it was an accident, or he could be telling himself that it was an accident. Either way, he knows that what he’s done is bad and he’s looking for an excuse.
4. “She liked you.” This is another lie that he’s telling himself and his friend. Whether or not this girl liked his friend, he’s trying to make himself feel better about what he’s done. It’s as if he’s saying that even though they were killed, they were killed because they liked someone who didn’t like them back.
5. “Wish I could have stopped it.” This is the only text that seems genuine. This is the only one that doesn’t make it seem like he’s lying to himself or to his friend. In this one, he seems like he’s wishing that he could have stopped it. He seems like he regrets what he’s done. He seems like he wishes he could have changed it.
6. “Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” In this one, he’s telling his friend that he should have told them this sooner. This is another lie that he’s telling his friend and himself. 7. “I didn’t mean for it to happen.” In this one, he’s telling his friend that he didn’t mean for it to happen. This could be a lie or he could be telling himself that he didn’t mean for it to happen. He could be lying to his friend and saying that he didn’t mean for it to happen, or he could be lying to himself and saying that he didn’t mean for it to happen.
3 girls, 2 boys, and a meeting that goes horribly wrong
According to the texts, the murderer was friends with all three girls. They were hanging out together in the woods when the murderer was overcome with jealousy. Around the same time that they were getting together, the murderer was flirting with one of the girls. She liked him back. The three girls were also flirting with two boys who were also there. The murderer got upset at the thought of the girls liking these other boys more than him.
The murderer then drove the other girl’s car into a ravine where it would be difficult to find. He then drove the third girl’s car to a different location and abandoned it. By the time all of this was done, it was almost midnight and he needed to get home before his parents noticed that he was gone.
A cryptic clue that leads to more questions
The only clue that the murderer left behind was a cryptic message scratched into one of the victims’ cars. The message read: “Here’s another clue to find them.” The police didn’t find any other clues at the scene and were baffled by the cryptic message. They were hoping that someone might see the news and come forward with information. When the texts were leaked online and the police got a hold of them, they finally realized that the message was meant for them. They had been there all along; they just hadn’t noticed it. The murderer was telling the police where to find the other victims.
9 unanswered questions about the Delphi murders
Who killed Liberty “Libby” German and Abby “Abby” Williams? – We have an idea of who it might be, but there are no suspects at this time. Why did he kill them? – He was jealous. Why did he kill the boys? – There was some type of altercation between the murderer and the boys and he killed them in self-defense. Why did he kill them at the same place? – They went there because it was a remote location and they wanted to be alone. How did he kill all three girls? – We don’t know. Where did he hide their bodies? – We don’t know. When did he kill them? – We don’t know. Why did he scratch the message into one of their cars? – We don’t know. Why did he leave their cars there? – We don’t know. Why did he leave the third boy alive? – We don’t know. Why did he leave the third girl’s car at a different location? – We don’t know.
Was this an AMA game gone wrong?
This is just a hypothesis from people who have followed this case. It’s possible that the murderer decided to play an AMA game with the victims. The three girls would ask the two boys any question that popped into their heads, and the boys would do the same. This would explain why they were in the woods alone. The murderer would have heard their questions and used them to find out more about them. He would have found out that they liked to take photographs and that they thought it would be cool to take a picture at the famous bridge. This would