The Incident of Nikki Catsouras Car Crash and Death

Recently there has been a controversy regarding the leaking of the photographs of Nikki Catsouras. She was born on 4rth March 1988 and she died on 31st October 2006. She died just at the age of 18 due to an unfortunate car crash. She was driving Porsche 911 Carrera which belonged to her father and in the incident the car collided with a toll booth in the area of the Lake Forest California. Her body was badly smashed as shown on the internet and this made the family to take legal actions because of the distress that was caused subsequently.
Death Pictures going Viral
The death of Nikki Catsouras is extremely unfortunate and her parents could not accept the fact of her death snaps going viral. With just few clicks you can find the photographs that are too graphical to be shown on the main stream multimedia. Once you open the internet you can see the horrible pictures of the accident along with the death and the mutilation. Such photographs going viral are a real pain for the family and most of the time the members find it hard to accept the fatality and the showcasing of death on net. Once you start searching you will get to know how the young girl suffered the death and with feel to empathize with the family.
Life and Behavior of Nikki
Nikki was an eighteen years old college going girls and she lived in California with her parents and two sisters. She had the passion of doing video shoots on her personal camera. In course, this was the camera that immortalized her death scenes and both her life and death became horrible and a grisly joke on the internet. It all happened due to a typical fight between Nikki Catsouras and her parents once when she was caught smoking. Nikki was rebellious and she acted stubborn to break the home rules.
End of the Life
Once her dad took away the key from her and then she sneaked by stealing the key and going out in her father’s car. Nikki Catsouras has no idea that it was the last day of her life when she parted with her family in all body and lots of love and kisses. Nikki was called to be an angel by her parents and the end of her life was really pathetic. The Porsche 911 Carrera that Nikki was driving can take up a speed of 60 miles in an hour and this could happen in just less than five seconds.
Nikki’s Last Ride
It was the Halloween Day when Nikki Catsouras was travelling on the State Route 241 and the time was 1:45 p.m. She was travelling at a speed of 100 mph. When she was near the Lake Forest Calif and she clipped another car and lost control in consequence. She crossed the lane over the median and wrongly slammed on the tollbooth meeting her death in the event. She died on spot and her death was indeed unfortunate.