8 Evidence-based Ways to Catch Customer’s Attention

There viable ways to capture your customer’s attention in your marketing endeavours. The entire point of marketing and advertising is to utilize strategies that have been proven effective in advertising to your customers. Your clients need to understand that your product is of the utmost importance, and there are certain ways that you can make sure they get the message.
Below are eight evidence-based ways for you to make sure that the customer is paying attention.
#8: Bright Colors
There’s no need for your advertising to be boring. It is statistically proven that people pay attention to Bright colours. You should use these colours that have been proven to be effective in marketing your campaigns. Colours that have proven effective in getting your customers attention include all neon colours, red, orange and yellow.
These are colours that are used commonly to signal the customer’s attention. They create an emotion of urgency within whoever is viewing the colours. Make your logo, your website and all of your marketing materials brightly coloured.
#7: Be Consistent
People may not notice your Brand’s logo or advertising at first, but when you use the same imagery in advertisements in various locales, people will notice the pattern. People develop a sense of credibility about your product when you advertise with a sense of consistency. This means using the same logo on every advertisement, whether it be a magazine ad or a billboard.
You should also always stick to the same colour scheme in all of your advertisements, and you should use a motto. A motto is a written statement that is associated with the quality of your brand. It will eventually stick in the minds of your customers if you use it enough.
#5: Vary Your Advertisement Location
You should diversify the locations in which your advertisements are placed. You should not just put advertisements in newspapers; you should also put them in magazines and online periodicals. You should not just put advertisements on Street benches; you should also put them on billboards. When people see that your message is out there, everywhere, they are more likely to believe in the efficacy of your product. You want to make sure that people see your brand and logo in your colour scheme everywhere they go.
Should your finances allow it, you can advertise in many different states. One of the most wonderful ways to advertise in many different states is to advertise online. You make it so that people from around the world are able to access your advertising materials, and many different internet resources will even translate your written content from your language to the language of whoever is reading it. Ideally, you can put up billboards in many different states and maybe even internationally.
#4: Use a Motto
You should use a model that people will associate with your brand. This means that every time they hear this motto, they will have a positive association with what your company has to offer. Some of the most successful companies in the business have used models that have stuck in their customer’s heads for decades.
The motto “It’s what’s for breakfast” has been used by Honey Bunches of Oats for decades. It’s important to have a motto that customers can associate with your product, and you should come up with it before you come up with any other marketing design.
#3: Cater to Your Local Population
If you are putting up a billboard in a primarily Hispanic neighbourhood, you should use the Spanish language in your billboard. If the neighbourhood is primarily Colombian, use a Colombian flag in your advertising. If, for some reason, you are doing international advertising, use the country’s flag or favourite TV star in your advertisement.
#2: Social Media
Social media is a big deal these days, and you can do many advertisements using Facebook or Instagram. These are viable venues for social media that will reach broad spans of audience in a short amount of time. There are entire studies dedicated to learning about how to market on social media effectively.
You need to become familiar with hashtags, using hashtags relevant to your brand in each of your posts. You also need to follow as many people as possible and comment when people comment on your posts.
#1: Associate Yourself with Celebrities
You need to associate yourself in any way possible with movie stars or TV actors and actresses. You can invite famous actresses to do advertisements with your brand. You should try to get them on your company’s digital signage Melbourne. You can gain serious exposure by doing this, and you should make all efforts possible to get in touch with famous actresses and models who will pose with your brand on social media or in a marketing campaign.