Essay Writing Service Free Help: The One and Only Correct Method To Write a Report

The report is a type of independent scientific and research work, where the author reveals the essence of the investigated problem; gives different points of view, as well as his own views on it.
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Stages of Work on the Report and Free Essays
- Selection and study of the main sources on the topics (as in writing the essay, it is recommended to use at least 8 – 10 sources);
- Compilation of a bibliography;
- Processing and systematization of material. Preparation of conclusions and generalizations;
- Development of a report plan;
- Spelling;
- Public speaking with the results of the study.
The report combines three qualities of a researcher: the ability to conduct research, the ability to present results to students and to answer questions in a qualified manner.
A distinctive feature of the report is a scientific, academic style. Academic style is a very special way of delivering textual courses, the most suitable for writing educational and scientific books. This style defines the following standards:
- Sentences can be long and complex;
- Often used words of foreign origin, various terms;
- Introductory constructions of the type “apparently”, “in our opinion” are used;
- The author’s position should be as less expressed as possible, that is, the pronouns “I”, “mine (point of view)” should be absent;
- Stamps and common words may appear in the text.
The report on physics, chemistry, biology, and other natural sciences has some distinctive features.
The general structure of such a report may be as follows:
- The purpose of the work (in general terms, corresponds to the wording of the research topic and can clarify it).
- The results of the study. A summary of the new information that the researcher received during the observation or experiment. In presenting the results, it is desirable to give a clear and laconic interpretation of new facts. It is useful to give the main quantitative indicators and demonstrate them on the graphs and charts used in the reporting process.
- Conclusions of the study. The conclusions formulated in a generalized, abstract form. They briefly describe the main results obtained and identified trends. The conclusions should be numbered: usually no more than 4 or 5.
- Introduction (the essence of the problem under study is formulated, the choice of the topic is justified, its significance and relevance are determined, the purpose and objectives of the report are indicated, the characteristics of the literature used are given)
- The main part (each section of it conclusively reveals the issue under study)
- Conclusion (summing up or making a generalized conclusion on the topic of the report)
If you need time to gather your thoughts, then the presence of pre-prepared maps, charts, diagrams, photographs, etc. will help you win precious time for formulating an answer, and sometimes it will give a ready-made answer.
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