How to Take Care of Hearing Impaired Person
Hearing loss affects more than an individual. So treatment benefits family members, colleagues and friends. Encouraging anyone to get help can be difficult, but it helps people who care and people with hearing loss equally. Let Hearing Instruments improve communication for your family. Often, a person with hearing loss does not realize how little they listen (or is in denial). There may be some courage, patience and perseverance to convince anyone to accept or address the loss of hearing.
Today, many people equate hearing aids to eyeglasses. With a new tech-savvy model, these almost invisible, unobtrusive and stylish hearing tools are eliminating the negative stereotype of tomorrow.
Recognise the signs of hearing loss
These questions will help you make a quick assessment of the hearing of a loved one.
Do you care about the person?
- Complain that everyone is feeling stupid and asks you and others to repeat things? Yes/No
- Have to sit face to face with you and do not hear that someone calls from the back or from the other room?
- have difficulties conversing in noisy environments such as at a restaurant or in a car?
- tend to be more quiet than normal when socialising?
- Listen to TV or radio unusually loud?
- miss a lot of the dialogue when going to the theatre, cinema or other venues?
If the answer to most of these questions is in yes, then you should emphasize that your relative did not hear his or her hearing. Before you get a clear diagnosis, the more successful the result is.
Talking to someone with hearing loss, while improving communication, keeping the eye contact in tips, restricting the background noise, and refreshing rather than replacing the wrong speech.
How can I communicate better with someone with hearing loss?
Hearing aids are beneficial in many situations. However, there are some listening incidents where alone hearing cannot provide adequate benefits. In those situations, communication partners can help the hearing loss to be more successful in hearing. Remember, there are at least two people involved in communication: a messenger sending the message and the listener who hears the message. You, as a member of this communication pair, can improve the conversation by following a few simple strategies.
Gain attention
Gain the listener’s attention before you begin talking, for example, by saying his or her name. If the person with hearing loss hears better than one ear, then go to that side of the person. Also consider touching the listener’s hand, arm or shoulder lightly to gain attention. These simple gestures will prepare the individual with hearing a loss to listen and not miss the first part of the conversation.
Maintain eye contact
Face the person who has the hearing loss. Make eye contact. Your facial expressions and body language convey messages to the message. For example, by looking at facial expressions or body language, you can “see” the sensation, happiness, delusion or disappointment of a person.
Keep hands away from the face
When talking, try to keep your hands away from your face. You will produce clearer speech and allow the listener to make use of those visual cues by keeping your mouth and face visible.
In addition, most listeners can improve their perception by watching the talker’s face – also known as speechreading. Speechreading helps to improve speech perception. Many sounds can be seen that are hard to hear. For example, the sound /s/ is very difficult to hear but easily speech read. It is important to not over exaggerate your talking, talk with food in your mouth or chew gum when talking to a person with hearing loss. Keep in mind that heavy beards and moustaches may also hide your mouth.
Speak naturally
Speak distinctly, but without exaggeration. You do not need to shout. Shouting actually distorts the words. Do not try to mumble, because it is very difficult to understand, even for people with general hearing. Speak at a normal rate, not very fast or very slow To give time to the person for the process of speech, use pauses rather than slow speech.
Give clues when changing subjects or say “new topic.”
Rephrase rather than repeat
If the listener has difficulty understanding something you said, repeat it once. If they are still having difficulty finding a different way of saying it. Use different words with the same meaning.
If he or she did not understand the words the first time, it’s likely he or she will not understand them a second time. So, try to rephrase it. Another option is to ask What did not that person understand and just repeat again that phrase or word. For example, the “grocery store” is what was not understood, so just repeat those words “grocery store.”
Talk away from background noise
Try to reduce background noises when talking. Turn off the radio or television.
Go to a quiet location away from the noise source. When you go to a restaurant or make a reservation for dinner, ask for a table away from kitchens, server stations or large teams.
Good lighting is important
A person with hearing loss can speech read to assist in hearing so the lighting on your face is important. When sitting in a restaurant or other social gathering, where there is a good light so that your face can be seen more easily. Due to poor light, the speaker’s face may be shadowed. Conversely avoid sitting with strong lighting coming from behind, such as through a window, as that will cause difficulty looking into the bright light.
Use an app to translate from spoken word to written word, or use texting
There are numerous apps that can be downloaded that can allow you to speak into a smartphone and have your words show up on the screen for the person with hearing a loss to read. One such app is called Dragon. The use of texting is also an efficient use to supplement communication.
These were some of the tips which you can follow to take good care of your beloved ones. Meanwhile, you can also gift them those products which are actually beneficial for them in daily life. Here is the list of some useful gift for hearing impaired.
That’s all in this article. Thanks for visiting.