Add Some Style to Your Collection with Vintage Jackboots

Some boots are made for walking, and some are made for style. Then there are Jackboots that are a little bit of both and were designed to be worn during wartime.
World War II German Marschstiefel boots, more commonly known as Jackboots, were a very popular style of marching boot worn by the German infantry during the Second World War. Enlisted German soldiers wore these boots throughout the war and it quickly became a distinguishable part of the German military uniform of that era. As these boots proved their dependability during battle, they became a piece of footwear that German soldiers knew they could rely on. While these boots may not be ready for battle these days, they are the perfect gift for someone who loves history and would love to own a small piece of it.
Some people are skeptical about owning anything related to the German military of that era, and for good reason, but wanting to own a collection of World War II memorabilia does not make someone a bad person, it makes them a lover of the past who simply wants to preserve the styles and equipment that helped shape the world today. In this sense, having a good pair of Jackboots that have that World War II look and feel is an essential purchase and great addition to any collection.
These boots would also be a great purchase for people who partake in historical reenactments or performances about World War II. Someone has to play the part of German soldiers and it is important to have an authentic look that will give your performance a more realistic feel. With your own pair of vintage German marching boots, you can confidently march across the stage or battlefield knowing you are successfully pulling off the look you need.
While there are a number of online retailers who offer vintage military boots, you will be remiss if you did not make sure to buy from the most dependable seller around: At the Front. Based in central Kentucky, At the Front offers collectors and performers in need a chance to get their own high-grade reproduction pieces of World War II equipment at an affordable price. They put their heart and soul into every single item they make, using only the finest material to make every item so that customers can rest easy knowing they are buying something that will last.
What makes Jackboots from At the Front so special is that they went the extra step to use material from original German boots in all of their reproductions. They make their boots in North America so that shipping is never too far away and use genuine North American cowhide for the leather, as opposed to Asia water buffalo hide that other vendors tend to use. They also use steel shanks, totally accurate World War II construction and sizing, and forged heel irons and hobnails.
History buffs will be happy to know that their boots also come with the historically-accurate wood pegged soles. They help accent the vintage look but do come with at least one new age benefit – the soles and heels of every boot are chemically bonded together to ensure they do not easily fall off or flap around.
If you want to own the only reproduction World War II German Jackboots that look like the real thing at a cheaper cost, head over to to find one in your size. They are the only vintage boots on the market that come with a one year warranty in the very rare chance you are unhappy with your purchase.
For more information about Military Boots and Field Jacket Please visit : Atthefront.